Written by Nina Sjælens Univers Journalist at En Stemme For Folket 13 of may 2020 at 23:15 pm
Doctor to the assaulted man: "If you had gotten one more punch or kick, you would have been dead"
Continuing Yesterday's Article
The man gives permission:
"I give my approval to journalist Nina Sjælens Univers, that she must install documents and evidence relating to this case. This may be published so that the case can reach the public and justice must be complete."
You have read fragments of a huge case, which deals with and handicapped man, who previously lived and functioning well and where mobility was NOT affected.
He was a happy man until this bad assault where his entire life was changed and destroyed.
He is still dealing with the daily pain today and is very troubled by the assault that happened 4 years ago, which also has the result when he can not walk as he could before the assault.
The man is plagued by suicidal thoughts from time to time, as it is a lot to get himself away from the memories of the assault and injuries inflicted on him that are beyond his quality of life.
He wish for justice and he wants to get this terrible story out to the public.
The assailants ( X and Y) were former friends with this man and he has helped them with many things.
The man who was assaulted came to a lot of money and the assailants offered him to build a house.
X and Y were really very nice at first until the man came to a bigger amount of money.
And then X and Y changed drastically in their progress over the man and the house that they had promised to build, and in fact was not optimum to live in, nor cheap.
The house has been renovated 2-3 times after the house was purchased.
The money was continuously paid to X and Y and the prize was raised and X and Y had one of their friends help build the house.
These men were only looking for the money and here the man was actually cheated for approx. half a million.
Then this happened one afternoon:
X drove into the man on his cross machine and then he was injured and it ended in a violent assault where the man was kicked in the back up to several times.

In the lawyer papers, this is written:
"The State Attorney claims that the decision is reversed as new evidence has emerged which is crucial to the case because there are numerous indications and objective damages pointing in the direction that the two defendants are guilty of violence under the Penal Code §245 , cf. §23, in the alternative, §244 of the Criminal Code, cf. §23, and the danger of danger, cf. §252 of the Criminal Code. "
"My client has suffered irreversible neurological damage due to the violence he has been subjected to, and this part can be documented through a myriad of medical records."
See the enclosed appendices from lawyer:
Page 1 of the Lawyer papers:
"Attention: Appeal Board
Regarding: Your journal 4200-73241-00598-16.
Appeal Board against (name is anonymous)
I hereby appeal the decision of the East Jutland Police on January 1, where they find no reason to resume the case despite new evidence.
The rationale behind this is that the new witnesses have only witnessed the start of the episode. It is claimed that the State Attorney reversed the decision as new evidence emerged which is crucial to the case because there are numerous indications and objective damages pointing in the direction that the two defendants are guilty of violence under §245 of the Criminal Code, cf. section 23, subsidiary section 244 of the Criminal Code, cf. section 23 and danger management, cf. section 252 of the Criminal Code.
The 8 of july 2016 at 16.49 PM my client make (name is anonymous)
Friend (name is anonymous) a review of violence against my client. Reviewer, however, had not witnessed the violence, but seen that my client returned from (anonymous) with facial injuries.
My client informs the reviewer that he has been beaten and kicked in the face by (name is anonymous).
The police inspect my client upon arrival at the place.
In Appendix 1/1 page 3, 6, section the police describes my client
"He was wearing bright jeans and a purple t-shirt. He was bleeding from his mouth and on both the upper and lower lip was sown with a slit about 1 cm long. He had blood stains on his shirt, arms and hands. He had no injuries to his hands. "
When the police arrived shortly after arrival at the place at. 16:50 PM makes direct contact to the defendant (anonymous name), as stated in the review report appendix 1/1 page 4, 2 section "he was wearing green sweatshirt, orange three-quarter length work pants, and black safety shoes. He had no visible injuries to his face, but his right hand was swollen and red just as if there was blood on it ".
Similarly, the same appendix, page 4, 6 section of co-accused (anonymous). "He was wearing a green hoodie, cowboy pants and white shoes. He had no visible injuries to his face but suffered a redness on his right back of the hand."
These damages to both injured and the two accused are also substantiated by the case file folder, cf.
Date Journal number: 17.01.2018 02-05502."

Page 2 of the lawyers papers:
"Just based on this information, I believe that the prosecution could lift the burden of proof that my client was injured in the case.
It is corrected from my client's explanation that he had gone to (anonymous) who is (anonymous) to my client. The reason for this was that (anonymous) was driving around on a cross machine belonging to my client. My client would pick up another cross machine that was also stored at (anonymous).
In my client's first interrogation report, Appendix 1/2, it appears on page 2, section 4, the police have noted "When the perpetrator was about to pull the machine out of the gate came (anonymously) and blocked and said that the perpetrator was not going anywhere with the cross machine. "
East Jutland's police in the refusal to resume has, among other things. emphasized this part of the explanation.
However, it has been overlooked by East Jutland police that my client corrected this part of the explanation in Annex 1/3 page 2, 6 section "page 2, section 4 - last section.
They expected to be in the process of pulling the cross machine out of the workshop came the accussed (anonymous) driving the crosser with the daughter in the back. The accused (anonymous) drove into the injured and stopped completely, where the accused (anonymous) took the daughter of the crosser and asked her to hurry into the workshop. "
On September 2, 2016, East Jutland Police prosecuted the case. The State Attorney agrees with the police decision on November 1, 2016.
The reason for this was that there were no other witnesses to the episode and other circumstances exist, including technical court statements supporting one explanation over the other.
I do not understand the argument regarding that there should be lack of technical declarations?
It cannot be attributed to my client by the police, for example that there isent been tested for DNA traces across machines.
The last time new information comes into the case, identifying impartial witnesses who have approached my client as they has been questioned by the police on December 5 and 6, 2017. Both explain that they have nothing."

Page 3 of the lawyer papers:
"prior knowledge of my client and that they happen to meet my client one day in fact.
The witnesses' statements just substantiate my client's corrected explanation, as the witness (anonymously) explains in the interrogation report December 6, 2017 , page 2, 1 section "Below, the witness noted a male person driving around the grass area east of the defendant's property on a cross machine."
In 2 sections he hears a cross-machine gas violently. When (anonymous) and the witness (anonymous) they see one person lying on the ground with two people standing around him. He could recognize the one as being the person on the cross machine.
In 4 section on page 2 (anonymously) further explains that he hears a person shout "hold hold" or similar. He also explains in question that he thinks the people which stood around my client also did kicked him. The witness (anonymous) was questioned on December 5, 2017. He also explains that he sees a man on a cross-machine crashing the injured 2/3
When the East Jutland Police prosecuted the case on September 2, 2016, the justification was that it was a fight. I do not think that the concept is more detailed, and it must be taken as an expression that the East Jutland police have dismissed the case as an (anonymous word)
In doing so, my client's explanation is supported by the course of events.
East Jutland police have refused to resume the case because the two witnesses only attended the first part of the episode. While that is the case, then more than their explanations indicate that there has been a physical collision with my client and that violence has been committed against him. At least as far as (anonymous) explanation, compared to the damage done to my client from the image material, there are several indications pointing in the direction that my client is injured in the case. Just as the indications point in the direction of the violence perpetrated by the accused (anonymous) and (anonymous).
In addition, the witness (anonymous) contacted the undersigned, after being questioned by police, he was contacted (anonymously) on Messenger (Facebook) on January 16, 2018, writing "there are two sides of a story". The correspondence is attached as Appendix 1.
I do not understand that (anonymous) at all know who the witness (anonymous) is?
Therefore, I would like to get enlightened how this information has come to (anonymous) knowledge. It must either be through telephone information from the police or via "access to documents" which, however, will require (anonymously) to be informed that a request has been made to."

Page 4 af the lawyer papers:
"the case resumed. In the alternative, what has been disclosed is, which in my view, can be equated with the parties to the case, which is in violation of the rules of the Administration of Justice Act.
When I search for access to the ended criminal case, I was not allowed to copy, present or hand over the documents without the consent of East Jutland police, cf.
Of course, it must also be the other way around that the previously charged (anonymous) cannot simply access these documents even though he must be represented by a lawyer.
My client has suffered irreparable neurological damage due to the violence he has been subjected to, and this part can be documented via a myriad of medical records. These can be sent at the request of the Attorney General.
Throughout my time as a defense lawyer, I have met in cases where the evidence (evidence) has been less than in this case, but where the prosecution nevertheless have chosen to carry out a criminal case in which there has also been sentencing in court.
Therefore, I must ask the Attorney General to resume the case against (anonymous)."

WHY can the man NOT get access?
Act on access to documents:
"The right of access is governed by section 7 of the Public Act, which reads as follows:
§ 7
Anyone may request to be made aware of documents entered into or created by an authority, etc. as part of administrative proceedings in connection with its business.
PCS. 2. The right to access to documents shall, with the exceptions mentioned in sections 19-35, apply
(1) all documents relating to the case in question; and
2) entries in records, records and other records relating to the documents of the case concerned.
PCS 3. The right of access to documents pursuant to subsection
PCS. 2 Paragraph, number. 1 in a document sent by authorities, etc., if one does not apply until days after the document has been sent. "
"I demand that the man who was assaulted get access to this case NOW, which he is entitled to in terms of the legislation."
- Nina Sjælens Unviers, Journalist at En Stemme For Folket.
The doctor has stated the following to the man after coming to the hospital:
"If you had been hit or kicked once more, you would have been dead."
Doctor to the assaulted man: "If you had gotten one more punch or kick, you would have been dead"
Home nurses from Syddjurs municipality ordered not to help Phillip Grosen, who is disabled
Lawyer on Phillip Grosen´s case: In fact, the guilty can still be punished, up to 10 years in prison
This man also has financial difficulties and if you would like to support with a small donation, it is possible through Mobilepay and you decide the amount yourself.
All donations are received with a kissing hand.
Send me a message here on the chat on the website or through my Facebook profile, to get the mobilepay number.
And please share this article, this have to go viral.
Here you can read more of my articles:
From Nina Sjælens Univers
Journalist at En Stemme For Folket
Copyright: Nina Sjælens Univers.
The text may not be used by others without permission, but parts may be used.
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